Electric Car Chargers

Looking for Electric Car Charger Repair or Installation Near Houston, TX?

We Support Your Green Initiatives

Many homeowners throughout the Houston region are making the commitment to “go electric” by purchasing an electric car. We can protect your modern vehicle and make ownership significantly easier with electric car charging station installation and electric car charger repair services. The team at Definite Electric has been certified to fix and install many major brands, allowing you to rest easy knowing you’re in qualified hands with the experts at Definite Electric.

Cutting Edge Capability

When you’re ready to add an electric car charging system to your home, Definite Electric will perform a professional property inspection and perform any necessary upgrades to your home’s electrical wiring. Once we’ve established the right plan, our team will install your vehicle’s electric charging station in your garage, or wherever you park your electric or hybrid car.

Your city or town may also require permits and post-installation inspections, and our qualified technicians can help facilitate that process for you as well. We’ll even create a preventative maintenance package and special pricing for electric car charger repair, providing you with peace of mind for the future.